2017 – District Wide Game – SPYNET, Kalinga Den and surrounding Kalinga Park
The purpose of the District Wide Game is to present a fun and interesting activity that challenges the Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and Leaders of Bramble Bay and Charles S Snow Districts. The game also develops social interaction between the two Districts. This night time activity was well attended by all Troops in Bramble Bay District and the majority of those in the Charles S Snow District. In all, 136 Scouts, 25 Venturers, a number of Rovers and 49 Leaders attended. The SPYNET wide game draws its DNA from a number of Bond movies. In Patrols, Scouts acted as either MI6 or KGB agents, undertaking specialist training at 6 different safe houses, such as Code Breaking, Observation, Stealth, miniaturising gadgets and avoiding traps . Once Patrols gained sufficient training, they were charged with finding Dr Gold Wrappas underground lair, where they diffused a Bomb with only seconds to spare from mass destruction of the World (Or should we say a tiny part of Kalinga Park ) . We employed an online registration and quiz technique to encourage attendance which worked well producing a whopping 73% increase on the previous year’ numbers.The game was awesome to say the least.
Have more information, stories or pictures? Send it to Webmaster@widegame.info It will be added after Widegame Committee approval
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2017 – District Wide Game – SPYNET, Kalinga Den and surrounding Kalinga Park
The purpose of the District Wide Game is to present a fun and interesting activity that challenges the Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and Leaders of Bramble Bay and Charles S Snow Districts. The game also develops social interaction between the two Districts. This night time activity was well attended by all Troops in Bramble Bay District and the majority of those in the Charles S Snow District. In all, 136 Scouts, 25 Venturers, a number of Rovers and 49 Leaders attended.
The SPYNET wide game draws its DNA from a number of Bond movies. In Patrols, Scouts acted as either MI6 or KGB agents, undertaking specialist training at 6 different safe houses, such as Code Breaking, Observation, Stealth, miniaturising gadgets and avoiding traps . Once Patrols gained sufficient training, they were charged with finding Dr Gold Wrappas underground lair, where they diffused a Bomb with only seconds to spare from mass destruction of the World (Or should we say a tiny part of Kalinga Park ). We employed an online registration and quiz technique to encourage attendance which worked well producing a whopping 73% increase on the previous year’ numbers.The game was awesome to say the least.